Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the high profile case of Hank Skinner some DNA evidence that could prove his innocence has yet to be tested as his execution day approaches. Skinner's life now rests in the hands of Governor Rick Perry who has the choice to either go through with the execution or grant an extension so the evidence can be tested. In this article "Execution looms with DNA evidence untested" Grits claims that although Governor Perry should grant a 30 day reprieve to allow DNA evidence to be tested in the Skinner case he would be surprised if the Gov. actually did so. He says it is time for Texas to stop "fooling around" with these cases and supports his opinion that Gov. Perry should grant the 30 days because of all the DNA exonerations that have been going on throughout the state. This is a perfectly legitimate argument because it is true. What does it hurt to wait for DNA results? After all the exonerations around the state why not make certain that you are killing the right man for the crime. It's completely illogical to me to not run the tests when there is a possibility that a man could be innocent. The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is why Gov. Perry wouldn't order the reprieve. It's not like it hurts anything. In my opinion, Grits is right that the reprieve should be allowed but I don't understand why he thinks that Gov. Rick Perry wouldn't allow it. Maybe he just knows more about politics and Rick Perry than I do.

Monday, March 1, 2010

In an article on, titled "Austin more than staying afloat," Austin is being seen as the city that could lead the nations economic recovery.
This article is for anybody that is worried about their job, is out of work, or is just curious about the economy. It affects many people, so basically, anybody from young teens looking for an after school job to an older person who's just not able to retire yet.
Various companies such as Facebook, Yingli Green Energy Americas Inc., and Hanger Orthopedic group could create some 850 jobs in Texas. While this does not account for all 2,300 jobs that were lost from 2008 to 2009 it is definitely "a step in the right direction."
Some are criticizing the government for giving these companies tax breaks to locate here. They don't think we should use "incentives to lure business." In defense Bernard Weinstein, an economist at Southern Methodist University, who is not a big fan of incentives claims that "the proposals appeared to be low-risk for Austin, given the potential return on a relatively modest investment."
The author of this piece makes it clear that desperate times call for desperate measures. He makes the analogy "it's like debating which brand of rope is best to toss at someone who's drowning." I completely agree with the author. It can't be ignored that Texans need jobs, it shouldn't matter how we get companies here but the current rate of unemployment is unacceptable. Much like the rope analogy we just need something to get the job done. Pun intended.

Big talk and big promises from democratic candidates

I found an article, on titled "Debate: White attacks Perry, Shami Makes a Big Promise"
In the one and only Democratic debate the two key candidates, Bill White is the former Houston mayor while Shami founded a Houston hair care products company.
In the debate candidate Bill White forgets about his opponent Farouk Shami and goes straight to attacking Gov. Rick Perry.
Shami on the other hand made big promises. He claimed that "if he doesn't succeed in creating 100,000 jobs, he'll give the state $10 million.
After the debate former mayor Bill White looks like the favorite in the democratic primary.