Friday, May 14, 2010

In Ms. Hill's article she claims that America will never progress or be the land of the free until they open they're eyes and "if we continue down such paths of ignorance, hatred and inequality." She is making these statements in response to recent events in which a lesbian couple was not granted a divorce because they are not legally seen as married in the state of Texas. As a gay person herself, she feels outraged that homosexuals are not treated the same as "straight" citizens in Texas, and rightfully so. I myself am a gay person who is deeply angered by Texas' ignorance and agree with many of the things that Ms. Hill says but I must correct some of her statements.

She says that "if something is valid in one state, it must be recognized in other states," when it comes to gay marriage this is not true. In 1996 President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA grants states the right to ignore same-sex marriages contracted in other states, and creates a federal definition of marriage, which excludes same-sex couples, to be applied in connection with all federal statutes and programs.

Other than that I applaud Ms. Hill for being so outspoken for GLBT rights.

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